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LCL 18 : vi-vii. Elegies — Propertius, G. Propertius Edited and translated by G. Free UK delivery on eligible orders. Propertius - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Howard Matthijsjfhgjfdg.

Search this site. Goodman PDF Download. Fetisov, Ya. Proof Positive Spy X, No. Pagel PDF Download. Griswold PDF Download. Green PDF Download. Brandeis; James M. Landis; Alfred E. Kahn by Thomas K. So PDF Download. Schweich PDF Download. Precepts of Statecraft. On Monarchy, Democracy, and Oligarchy. That We Ought Not to Borrow. Parts of Animals. Movement of Animals.

Progression of Animals. In Catilinam 1—4. Pro Murena. Pro Sulla. Pro Flacco. On Interpretation. Prior Analytics. Three-Dollar Day.

The Tale of a Traveling-Bag. The Twelve Tables. Topics included are the mathematics and metrology of the universe; world geography and ethnography; human anthropology and physiology; zoology; botany, agriculture, and horticulture; medicine; minerals, fine arts, and gemstones.

Excerpta Valesiana. Greek mathematics from the sixth century BCE to the fourth century CE is represented by the work of, e. On Moral Virtue. On the Control of Anger. On Tranquility of Mind. On Brotherly Love.

On Affection for Offspring. On the Special Laws, Book 4. On the Virtues. On Rewards and Punishments. In On Buildings , the Byzantine historian Procopius late fifth century to after CE describes the churches, public buildings, fortifications, and bridges Justinian erected throughout his empire, from the Church of St. Sophia in Constantinople to city walls at Carthage. The work is richly informative about architecture of the sixth century CE. On the Orator: Book 3. On Fate. Stoic Paradoxes.

Divisions of Oratory. Eight works or parts of works were ascribed to Manetho , a third century BCE Egyptian, all on history and religion and all apparently in Greek. In Neaeram. Fragments of ancient literature, from the seventh to the third century BCE, found on papyri in Egypt include examples of tragedy; satyr drama; Old, Middle, and New Comedy; mime; lyric, elegiac, iambic, and hexametric poetry.

Columella first century CE included Cato and Varro among many sources for On Agriculture , but his personal experience was paramount. Written in prose except for the hexameters on horticulture of Book 10, the work is richly informative about country life in first century CE Italy.

Every Good Man is Free. On the Contemplative Life. On the Eternity of the World. Against Flaccus. Apology for the Jews. On Providence. Jewish Antiquities, Volume V: Books History of Alexander, Volume I: Books The first two of ten books have not survived and material is missing from books 5, 6, and Natural History, Volume V: Books Roman Antiquities, Volume V: Books Concerning the Team of Horses.

Against Callimachus. Against Lochites. Against Euthynus. Erotic Essay. On the Embassy to Gaius. General Indexes. Alciphron, Aelian, and Philostratus: The Letters. The fictitious, highly literary Letters of Alciphron second century CE are mostly to invented characters. The Letters of Farmers by Aelian c. The Erotic Epistles of Philostratus perhaps born c. Library of History, Volume V: Books On Invention. The Best Kind of Orator. Daily Round. Divinity of Christ.

Origin of Sin. Fight for Mansoul. Against Symmachus 1. Prudentius born CE used allegory and classical Latin verse forms in service of Christianity. Library of History, Volume X: Books Lycurgus was with Demosthenes in the anti-Macedonian faction. But Dinarchus favored an oligarchy under Macedonian control and Demades supported the Macedonian cause too.

Against Symmachus 2. Crowns of Martyrdom. Scenes From History. On Sophistical Refutations. On Coming-to-be and Passing Away. On the Cosmos. Alexandrian War. African War. Spanish War.

African War and Spanish War are detailed accounts clearly by officers who had shared in the campaigns. But most recent editors attribute it to an unknown author. Julius Obsequens. On Compliancy. On Envy and Hate. On Praising Oneself Inoffensively. On the Delays of the Divine Vengeance. On the Sign of Socrates.

On Exile. Consolation to His Wife. On the Principle of Cold. Beasts Are Rational. On the Eating of Flesh. On Trees. City of God, Volume V: Books Natural History, Volume X: Books Aetia, Iambi, Hecale and Other Fragments.

Hero and Leander. Callimachus Musaeus Trypanis, C. Gelzer, T. Whitman, Cedric H. Hero and Leander by Musaeus fifth or sixth century CE is a short epic poem.

Moralia, IX: Table-talk, Books Dialogue on Love. Causes of Natural Phenomena. Reply to Colotes in Defence of the Other Philosophers. Is "Live Unknown" a Wise Precept? On Music. How to Write History. The Dipsads. Herodotus or Aetion. Zeuxis or Antiochus.

A Slip of the Tongue in Greeting. Apology for the "Salaried Posts in Great Houses. A Conversation with Hesiod. The Scythian or The Consul. Hermotimus or. Dialogues of the Dead.

Dialogues of the Sea-Gods. Dialogues of the Gods. Dialogues of the Courtesans. Lucius or The Ass. Dicta Catonis. Rutilius Namatianus. In Tetrabiblos , a core text in the history of astrology, the preeminent ancient astronomer Ptolemy c.

From the same period come the lively fables in Latin verse written by Phaedrus , which satirize social and political life in Augustan Rome. History of Animals, Volume I: Books Ennead, I: Porphyry on the Life of Plotinus. Ennead I. His writings were edited by his disciple Porphyry , who published them sometime between and CE in six sets of nine treatises each Enneads , with a biography of his master in which he also explains his editorial principles.

In On the Characteristics of Animals , Aelian c. Pro Caelio. De Provinciis Consularibus. Pro Balbo. Natural Questions, Volume I: Books Seneca c. In Book 1 he discusses fires in the atmosphere; in 2, lightning and thunder; in 3, bodies of water. Libanius — CE , who was one of the last great publicists and teachers of Greek paganism, has much to tell us about the tumultuous world of the fourth century CE.

His works include Orations , the first of which is an autobiography, and Letters. History of the Empire, Volume I: Books The History of Herodian born c. Ancient Testimonia. Eusebius's Reply to Hierocles. Unidentified Fragments. Bacchylides wrote masterful choral poetry of many types.

Letters to Quintus and Brutus. Letter Fragments. Letter to Octavian. Handbook of Electioneering. Two invective speeches linked with Cicero are probably anonymous exercises. The Letter to Octavian likely dates from the third or fourth century CE. The Handbook of Electioneering was said to be written by Quintus to Cicero. Declamations, Volume I: Controversiae, Books Seneca the Elder? Dionysius of Halicarnassus , born c. They constitute an important development from the somewhat mechanical techniques of rhetorical handbooks to more sensitive criticism of individual authors.

Letters to Ammaeus and Pompeius. Cornelius Nepos c. Extant are parts of his De Viris Illustribus , including biographies of mostly Greek military commanders and of two Latin historians, Cato and Atticus. In Astronomica first century CE , the earliest extant treatise we have on astrology, Manilius provides an account of celestial phenomena and the signs of the Zodiac.

He also gives witty character sketches of persons born under particular constellations. In the latter, Theophrastus turns to plant physiology. Books 1 and 2 are concerned with generation, sprouting, flowering and fruiting, and the effects of climate. Diseases 3. Internal Affections. In Books 3 and 4, Theophrastus studies cultivation and agricultural methods. In Books 5 and 6, he discusses plant breeding; diseases and other causes of death; and distinctive flavours and odours.

Letters Places in Man. Prorrhetic Use of Liquids. Haemorrhoids and Fistulas. Children of Heracles. Nemean Odes. Isthmian Odes. Wasps satirizes Athenian enthusiasm for jury service. Peace is a rollicking attack on war-makers. Valerius Maximus compiled his handbook of notable deeds and sayings in the reign of Tiberius 14—37 CE. Homeric Hymns. Homeric Apocrypha. Lives of Homer. Genealogical epic of that archaic era includes poems that create prehistories for Corinth and Samos.

These works are an important source of mythological record. Thebaid, Volume II: Books The Lesser Declamations perhaps date from the second century CE and are perhaps derived from Quintilian. The collection originally consisted of sample cases for legal training. Comments and suggestions the instructor adds to his model speeches for fictitious court cases offer insight into Roman law and education. Over forty of his plays were read in antiquity, from which nearly a thousand fragments survive.

The Shield. Catalogue of Women. Other Fragments. Though attributed to Hesiod eighth or seventh century BC in antiquity, the Catalogue of Women , a presentation of legendary Greek heroes and episodes according to maternal genealogy; The Shield , a counterpoint to the Iliadic shield of Achilles; and certain poems that survive as fragments were likely not composed by Hesiod himself.

Fragments: Oedipus-Chrysippus. Hellenistic Collection: Philitas. Alexander of Aetolia. Works by authors such as Philitas of Cos , Alexander of Aetolia , Hermesianax of Colophon , Euphorion of Chalcis and, especially, Parthenius of Nicaea , who composed the mythograpical Sufferings in Love , represent rich inventiveness in Hellenistic prose and poetry from the fourth to the first century BCE. Coan Prenotions. Anatomical and Minor Clinical Writings. Cast in the form of a dialogue it treats diverse topics while showcasing Virgil as master of all human knowledge, from diction to religion.

Cast in the form of a dialogue, it treats diverse topics while showcasing Virgil as master of all human knowledge, from diction to religion. The era of Old Comedy c.

But the work of many other poets, including Cratinus and Eupolis , the other members, with Aristophanes, of the canonical Old Comic Triad, survives in fragments. Method of Medicine, Volume I: Books In Method of Medicine , Galen — CE provides a comprehensive and influential account of the principles of treating injury and disease. Enlivening the detailed case studies are many theoretical and polemical discussions, acute social commentary, and personal reflections. In The Learned Banqueters, Athenaeus describes a series of dinner parties at which the guests quote extensively from Greek literature.

The work which dates to the very end of the second century AD is amusing reading and of extraordinary value as a treasury of quotations from works now lost.

Nature of the Child. Diseases 4. Nature of Women and Barrenness. Discourses 1 and 2. Heroicus is a vineyard conversation about the beauty, continuing powers, and worship of the Homeric heroes.

Gymnasticus is the sole surviving ancient treatise on sports, which reshapes conventional ideas about the athletic body. Fragments of the Histories.

Letters to Caesar. In this volume, John T. Ramsey has freshly edited the Histories and the two pseudo-Sallustian Letters to Caesar , completing the Loeb Classical Library edition of his works. On the Constitution of the Art of Medicine. The Art of Medicine. A Method of Medicine to Glaucon.

In the three works in this volume, On the Constitution of the Art of Medicine , The Art of Medicine , and A Method of Medicine to Glaucon , the physician, philosopher, scientist, and medical historian Galen of Pergamum covers fundamental aspects of his practice in a lucid and engaging style.

Volume II of the nine-volume Loeb edition of Early Greek Philosophy presents preliminary chapters on ancient doxography, the cosmological and moral background, and includes the early Ionian thinkers Pherecydes, Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes.

Aelius Aristides —after , among the most versatile authors of the Second Sophistic and an important figure in the transmission of Hellenism, produced speeches and lectures, declamations on historical themes, polemical works, prose hymns, and essays on a wide variety of subjects.

Apuleius born ca. In his treatises Hygiene , Thrasybulus , and On Exercise with a Small Ball , Galen of Pergamum addresses topics of preventive medicine, health, and wellness that continue to resonate with practices of modern doctors and physical therapists.

Hygiene, Volume II: Books 5—6. On Exercise with a Small Ball. Minor Works. A lexicon of therapeutic agents is included. Menander Rhetor. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Ars Rhetorica. The instructional treatises of Menander Rhetor and the Ars Rhetorica , deriving from the schools of rhetoric that flourished in the Greek East from the 2nd through 4th centuries AD, provide a window into the literary culture, educational practices, and social concerns of these Greeks under Roman rule, in both public and private life.

Based on the critical edition of Malcovati, this three-volume Loeb edition of Roman Republican oratory begins with Ap. Claudius Caecus — BC and with the exceptions of Cato the Elder and Cicero includes all individuals for whom speech-making is attested and for whose speeches quotations, testimonia, or historiographic recreations survive.

On Temperaments. On Non-Uniform Distemperment. In On Temperaments , Galen of Pergamum sets out his concept of the combination of the four elemental qualities hot, cold, wet, and dry , which is fundamental to his account of the structure and function of human, animal, and plant bodies. Two related works explore disturbances in this combination and their consequences.

The Major Declamations , attributed to Quintilian in antiquity, exemplify the final stage of Greco-Roman rhetorical training, in which students delivered speeches for the prosecution and defense at imaginary trials. A wide variety of fascinating ethical, social, and legal details animate the fictional world conjured up by these oratorical exercises. Black voices matter.

A statement from HUP ». Subscribe to E-News. Suppliant Women. Heracles Euripides Kovacs, David Euripides c. Ion Euripides Kovacs, David Euripides c. Orestes Euripides Kovacs, David Euripides c. Medea Euripides Kovacs, David Euripides c. Elegies Propertius Goold, G. Approximately within a seventy- ve year period — B. These four statements are neither self-evident nor se- explanatory. According to Martin Heidegger, it is the " House of Being, " man's home and what shapes his own nature. This metaphor is the starting point of the present work, which aims at telling the hi story of the relationship between man's language and his being, using the biblical narrative as a roadmap giving us a vision of the origin of language, of its evolution, and of its end.

The biblical narrative here serves as a source for the creation of a " meta-narrative, " that is, a new narrative that depicts the metaphysical world opened up by language: the hi story of man's relationship with the house of being. Based on the description offered by the Bible, this meta-narrative tells how the House of Being comes to be built. It describes how this house becomes a village composed of scattered houses following the confusion of tongues at Babel; how the introduction of literacy radically transforms their dwellers' relation to their own temporality, and how the learning of a foreign language, which comes as a consequence of the Babylonian captivity , offers man the opportunity to appropriate a foreign house and leads him to a homecoming that unveils the nature of his home.

Following the Pentecost, the village formed by all the houses becomes a city, as men begin to translate the scriptures into every language, that is, as exchanges occur between all the houses. Finally, the end of language and its relation with man's destiny is examined, in relation to the last days.

This state of play is both an everyday phenomenon, and an indispensable prerequisite for exceptional innovations in culture and science: contingency is the condition of possibility for any of the arts—be they dominantly concerned with thinking, crafting, or enacting.

While their scope and method may differ, the f act of reckoning with—and taking advantage of—contingency renders rhetoricians and philosophers associates after all. In this regard, Aristotle and Blumenberg will be exemplary, hence provide the framework. Between these diachronic bridgeheads, close readings applying the nexus of rhetoric and contingency to a selection of Early Modern texts and authors are intercalated—among them La Celestina, Machiavelli, Shakespeare, Wilde, Fontane.

Author : Philip A. The Lover of Lies. The Judgement of the Goddesses. On Salaried Posts in Great Houses. LCL Menander , Aspis. Dis Exapaton. Eunapius: Lives of the Philosophers and Sophists. Against Rufinus 1 and 2. War against Gildo. Against Eutropius 1 and 2.

Fescennine Verses on the Marriage of Honorius. Epithalamium of Honorius and Maria. Panegyrics on the Third and Fourth Consulships of Honorius. Panegyric on the Consulship of Manlius. On Stilicho's Consulship 1. Panegyric on the Sixth Consulship of Honorius. The Gothic War. Shorter Poems. Rape of Proserpina. Antoninus Pius. Marcus Aurelius. Avidius Cassius.

Didius Julianus. Septimius Severus. Pescennius Niger. Clodius Albinus. Opellius Macrinus. Severus Alexander. The Two Maximini. The Three Gordians. Maximus and Balbinus.

LCL Aeschylus , Persians. Seven against Thebes. Prometheus Bound. Airs, Waters, Places. Epidemics 1 and 3. The Oath. LCL Hippocrates , Prognostic. Regimen in Acute Diseases. The Sacred Disease. The Art. Physician Ch. In the Surgery. On Fractures. On Joints. Regimen in Health. Regimen Heracleitus: On the Universe. LCL Ovid , Tristia. Ex Ponto. Res Gestae Divi Augusti. On Friendship. On Divination. LCL Julian , Letters.

Against the Galilaeans. Post Reditum in Senatu. Post Reditum ad Quirites. De Domo Sua. De Haruspicum Responsis. Pro Plancio. Menippus or The Descent into Hades. On Funerals. A Professor of Public Speaking. Alexander the False Prophet. Essays in Portraiture. Essays in Portraiture Defended. The Goddesse of Surrye. The Braggart Soldier. The Ghost. The Persian. LCL Plato , Statesman. LCL Plato , Laches. LCL Plato , Lysis. LCL Plato , Cratylus. Greater Hippias. Lesser Hippias. LCL Xenophon , Memorabilia.

LCL Frontinus , Stratagems. Aqueducts of Rome. LCL Aristophanes , Acharnians. LCL Aristophanes , Birds. Women at the Thesmophoria. LCL Aristophanes , Frogs. LCL Xenophon , Hiero. Constitution of the Lacedaemonians. Ways and Means. Cavalry Commander. Art of Horsemanship. On Hunting. Constitution of the Athenians.

Against Apion. LCL Cicero , Philippics LCL Horace , Satires. The Art of Poetry.


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