Skip to content v5. Diamond Sponsors. Edit this page. Card Cards contain content and actions about a single subject. Cards are surfaces that display content and actions on a single topic. Basic card Although cards can support multiple actions, UI controls, and an overflow menu, use restraint and remember that cards are entry points to more complex and detailed information.
Learn More. We don't want people to have to login to the site. We don't want to keep passwords in a database and be responsible for them. Your statistics are stored in your browser, we don't store them anywhere.
That means that as soon as you switch browsers you won't see the same statistics. A: Yes, this site uses cookies. They are used for game purposes, like remembering your scores between rounds, but also to gather aggregate data on people's browsers, screen resolutions and more, which helps us figure out what we need to support.
Finally they are also used for advertising purposes. A more detailed description of our cookie use can be found in our Privacy Policy , and you can always reach out and contact us if you're concerned about it. A: No. In all the games the cards are dealt randomly at the start, and the computer players make their decisions based only on knowledge of their own hands, and knowledge of what has been played.
Basically they use the same information as a human player would have available to them. A: If you see an ad that is offensive to you then please contact us and we'll try our best to block it. Due to the way advertising works we can't always immediately find the ads to block them, but if you send a screenshot of it, or you remember any text on it or a url then there's a much higher chance that we can find it and block it.
You can always contact us with any questions, suggestions or issues. It's generally best to contact us by email at admin cardgames. This website uses cookies to store your preferences, and for advertising purposes.
This example uses a full-bleed divider. Similar to expansion of lists, this card uses a full-width divider to denote expansion. This example uses a full-bleed divider as a way to visually separate the slider content and list from the action below. This example uses an inset divider to separate related the restaurant information from the booking section. Cards A card is a sheet of material that serves as an entry point to more detailed information.
A card collection is a layout of cards on the same plane. Usage Cards display content composed of different elements whose size or supported actions vary. Usage Expand and collapse content An arrow that points down when collapsed and points up when expanded. A card collection is coplanar, or a layout of cards on the same plane. Content Expand and collapse content An arrow that points down when collapsed and points up when expanded.
Background images Text is most legible when placed on a solid color background with a sufficient contrast ratio to the text. Behavior Expand and collapse content An arrow that points down when collapsed and points up when expanded. Cards do not flip over to reveal information on the back. Supported gestures Card gestures should be consistently implemented within a card collection. Supported gestures include: The swipe gesture may be used on a per-card basis.
For example, a swipeable card should not contain a swipeable image carousel, so that only a single action occurs when the card is swiped. The pick-up-and-move gesture may be used if it is important for the user to be able to sort cards within a collection. But consider if filtering or sorting would better organize the content.
Card collection filtering and sorting Card collections can be programmatically sorted or filtered by date, file size, alphabetical order, or other parameters. The first item in the collection is positioned at the top left The order proceeds left to right and top to bottom.
Scrolling Card collections only scroll vertically. Card focus When traversing through focus points on a card, all focusable elements are visited before moving to the next card. Actions Expand and collapse content An arrow that points down when collapsed and points up when expanded. The primary action in a card is typically the card itself. Supplemental actions Supplemental actions within the card are explicitly called out using icons, text, and UI controls, typically placed at the bottom of the card.
When you find something not provided, such as dropdowns in the drawer, you may need to code your own component. The team is committed to providing a great experience to developers while staying true to the promise of lite. Detailed instructions for using the components, including MDL classes and their effects, coding considerations, and configuration options, can be found in the components page.
Example of sites using MDL elements together can be found in the templates page. Getting started. What's next? Hosted Download Build Bower npm. Note: Using this method you will not be able to customize the color scheme of the MDL elements. If you'd like to customize the color scheme prefer the CDN hosted or downloadable libraries. In this case use our Customize and Preview tool.