Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. Follow Following. Blog of John Savill Join 31 other followers. Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. Run az version to find the version and dependent libraries that are installed. To upgrade to the latest version, run az upgrade. Create a job. Use the az extension add command to add the az import-export. A resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources are deployed and managed.
If you don't already have an Azure resource group, you can create a new one with the New-AzResourceGroup cmdlet. You need a resource group to create a storage account. This example creates a storage account using the New-AzStorageAccount cmdlet. Storage account names must be unique, so use Get-Random to append a number to the name to make it unique. A resource group is a logical container in which Azure resources are deployed and managed.
If you don't already have an Azure resource group, you can use the az group create command to create one. The following example creates a storage account using the az storage account create command.
On the storage account page, in the Services section, select Files. On the menu at the top of the File service page, click File share. The New file share page drops down. In Name type myshare , enter a quota, and leave Transaction optimized selected for Tiers.
Share names need to be all lower case letters, numbers, and single hyphens but cannot start with a hyphen. For complete details about naming file shares and files, see Naming and Referencing Shares, Directories, Files, and Metadata. Now that you've created a storage account, you can create your first Azure file share.
This example creates a share named myshare. Create file shares by using the az storage share-rm create command. This example creates an Azure file share named myshare :. To create a new directory named myDirectory at the root of your Azure file share, use the New-AzStorageDirectory cmdlet. To create a new directory named myDirectory at the root of your Azure file share, use the az storage directory create command:.
To demonstrate uploading a file, you first need to create or select a file to be uploaded. You may do this by whatever means you see fit. Once you've selected the file you would like to upload:. In the menu at the top, select Upload. The Upload files panel opens. In the Upload files page, verify the file name and then select Upload. For example, if you originally used Install-Module , then you should use Update-Module to get the latest version. If you have any issues updating using PowerShellGet, then you should reinstall , rather than update.
Reinstalling is done the same way as installing. Ensure you use the Force parameter with Install-Module when reinstalling. Unlike MSI-based installations, installing or updating using PowerShellGet does not remove older versions that may exist on your system.
Uninstallation can be complicated if you have more than one version of the Az PowerShell module installed. Because of this complexity, we only support uninstalling all versions of the Az PowerShell module that are currently installed. Here are some common problems seen when installing the Azure Az PowerShell module. If you experience a problem not listed here, file an issue on GitHub. To automatically update your scripts, follow the quickstart guide.
If you have already installed PowerShell 7. If you get errors from Install-Module that the PowerShell Gallery is unreachable, you may be behind a proxy.